About the Foundation

About the KlaasKids Foundation For Children

by Marc Klaas

The KlaasKids Foundation was established in 1994 to give meaning to the death of my twelve-year-old daughter kidnap and murder victim Polly Hannah Klaas and to create a legacy in her name that would be protective of children for generations to come. Conceived with an initial investment of $2,000 the Foundation’s mission is to stop crimes against children.

America’s continued evolution is predicated on the unspoken promise of past generations that we will give our children a better world than was given to us. As a country created around the concept of the individual, the worth of the individual and the rights of the individual, our ability to fulfill the promise to our children has allowed America to develop into the most influential and powerful nation in world history. We have more data, knowledge and information than has been compiled in all previous generations combined and how we use it will help determine our fate as a people.

The KlaasKids Foundation believes that we can go far toward fulfilling our mission by distilling the best knowledge and information through a societal approach that extends from the President’s Cabinet Table to the family’s kitchen table. We can win the war for our children’s future by acknowledging that crimes against children deserve a high priority on our national and personal agenda’s. Then, by forming and promoting partnerships with concerned citizens, the private sector, organizations, law enforcement and legislators we take responsibility to become part of the solution to fighting crime and we can take pride in pro-active accomplishments.

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