
Internet Safety

The Internet is the most advanced and accessible resource tool ever developed. With the Internet, a simple keystroke can deliver the world’s great museums and libraries into your living room. However, there also inherent risks, concerns and dangers associated with Internet use, so we are providing you with some common sense steps that you can apply to reduce the risk of exploitation or even criminal activity.

New – Protecting Kids Online

  • If your child has a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat or other social networking profile, do not allow them to post personal profile information (name, address, phone number, passwords, parent’s names, school name or job location) and friend them so that you can monitor their profile.
  • Establish rules for Internet use at home and outside of the home. Remind your child that Internet use is a privilege, not a right.
  • Monitor the amount of time your child spends online.
  • Spend time online with your child and establish an atmosphere of trust and open communication.
  • Limit or monitor your child’s use of Instant Messaging (IM), Google Chat (GChat), and Facebook Messenger to a parental approved buddy list. Perform regular checks on your child’s buddy list. Remember: all these chats are also accessible through mobile phones.
  • Do not allow your child to participate in online chat rooms without supervision because online chat rooms are also the predator’s playground.
  • Keep up-to-date with emerging social media channels by regularly searching for “Top 10 Social Media sites”. It is likely your child will adopt these, so it’s important for parents to stay on top of the newest channel or app, and how they’re used.
  • Your child should never plan to meet face-to-face with anyone they meet online. This includes any chat room, video and PC game social networks, and social media acquaintances. This may also include your children who are job hunting and meeting ‘employers’ in person.
  • REMEMBER—No software program can replace good parental skills.

If you become aware of the transmission, use, or viewing of child pornography while online, immediately report this to local law enforcement and the FBI.

Source: KlaasKids Foundation

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