Category Archives: Alexandria Bain

Perfect Endings: Rot in Hell Adam Mayes

“Fairytales can come true”…Frank Sinatra

How many lives did Adam Mayes destroy? He murdered Jo Ann Bain and her daughter Adrienne in a frenzied obsession over Jo Ann’s two younger daughters. Those girls, Alexandria 12, and Kyliyah 8, will undoubtedly require years if not decades of therapy in order to cope with two tragic weeks that they endured and survived. Their father, betrayed by his best friend, has lost his wife, daughter and some might say his dignity. Then there is Mayes’ skanky wife and mother, neither of whom will ever walk in freedom again. Like the ever expanding concentric circles created by a pebble skipped across the pond, in varying degrees numerous people will have to reexamine their lives and adjust to a new normal.

Adam Mayes was a useless human being. Had he been captured alive we would have had to endure his trial: a publicly financed opportunity for him to excuse and justify his evil actions and murderous intent. Alexandria, Kyliyah, and their father would have had to endure the lies, twisted fantasies, and obfuscations.  

There is no mistaking what he did. His wife was an eyewitness to all of it and has provided the grisly details to the authorities. Most likely, he would have ended up on death row. Then people would have prayed for him, held vigils for him, spilled tears in misplaced anguish, and protested man’s inhumanity to man as they unstrapped his worthless carcass from the death gurney.

Yes, sometimes there are perfect endings. Like Hansel and Gretel breadcrumbs, or a $171,000 reward, lead the children home and the wicked witch dies in the end.