Jonathan’s Gift

During the course of one year I lost my only child to violence, my youngest brother to the ravages of illness and a grandmother to time. I survived these tragedies a better, stronger, and more determined person, because I was nurtured by the grace of angels.

The hand of God touched me on the day Polly was born. The first time I held her in my arms I experienced the power of unconditional love. This perfect baby was mine, and I would love and protect her forever. For me, this was the miracle of birth.

I was fortunate that Polly was my companion on this earthly pilgrimage. The strength of her commitment enhanced my understanding of the human condition and provided me with clarity of vision. The depth of her emotion taught me that caring for others could strengthen my own self worth and expand my horizons beyond material values. The purity of her love defined her final act. She faced her worst fears with courage worthy of the most seasoned combat veteran. On shaky knees, as the devil was stealing her into the night, her final words were, “Please don’t hurt my mother and sister.” My greatest teacher was only twelve-years-old.

That night the angels dipped their wings over Petaluma and re-claimed one of their own. In life Polly shared her gifts with those who were touched by her presence, but in death she touched us all. The welfare of a little lost girl surmounted religious, ethnic and political barriers. Millions of eyes were looking for her and millions of hands were clasped in prayer for her safe return. Her presence on earth set a course that millions of years of evolution, thousands of years of legislation and hundreds of years of struggle and strife couldn’t accomplish. She brought us together as one. Those were Polly’s angels.

The nation rose like a phoenix in the wake of Polly’s tragedy and demanded answers. For sixty-five days we navigated the murky waters of despair toward a fate that tantalized us with glimmers of light, and then doused our hopes with uncertain veils of darkness. Finally the prayers of Polly’s angels were answered, but not as we expected. Polly’s unselfish bravery in the face of doom provided the target and her commitment of love gave us the weapon to use in the eternal struggle between good and evil. In bitter irony we discovered that in order to win the war, we sometimes have to lose a battle.

Seven months later I visited my brother Jonathan on his deathbed. He seemed to be recovering and was excited to see me. I held his hand as he told me the following story. “Earlier today Polly visited me. She fluttered above me like a butterfly on tiny wings. I asked her why her wings were so small? She said that it was because she wasn’t ready to go yet. Then Polly said, ‘Get ready Uncle Jonny, because you will be joining me soon and there are a great big pair of wings waiting for you.’ I asked her if I should hurry? Polly said, ‘No, Uncle Jon, you want your wings to get as big as they can, and together we will take a ride that is better than anything at Disneyland.” Two days later Jonathan died. Now he is with Polly on a fantastic voyage.

My grandmother was very old, bed ridden and fragile, so we didn’t tell her about either of these misfortunes. Besides, she was riding horses, and wanted to get to the top of the mountain where Polly was waiting for her and the sun was disappearing over the horizon. She is now with Polly, and the sun has set and I know something that I never realized before. The angel we were seeking was guiding us all along.

Marc Klaas

About Marc Klaas

I am President of the KlaasKids Foundation and BeyondMissing, Inc. Both organizations are 501(c)(3) public benefit non profit organizations.

4 thoughts on “Jonathan’s Gift”

  1. That was truly a wonderful gift to know that your beautiful daughter is your angel in heaven as she was on earth. You will see her again and know she waits patiently for you because you have much work to do before you join her. God Bless you and help you on your journey to help other children and put away the pervs that are allowed to walk free on this earth while our children live like prisoners.
    I have a child that was taken years ago during the day while he was playing outside but as bad as it was, I am thankful he was brought back.
    Love & Prayers

  2. Marc, Chills washed over me from head to toe as I was reading and the first thought that came to mind was "…and a child shall lead them." What a priceless gift from Polly through Jonathan to you<3
    Peace, Love and Light

  3. Marc , Oh my , While reading your words , I felt chills, the good kind , like when the Holy Spirit washes over you …In WAVES. Very powerful words you wrote today & I thank you for sharing . yes, there are Angels around us , & they do come for us when it's our time. They came for me but as I was going into the light , I was sent back to my hospital bed.In between this place & the light , my concern was finding a way to reach out to my children to look in on them or to find someone who would be able to get a message to them. No doubt , your Polly would stay as close to you as possible , watching , observing , trying to send you comfort. The best gift for Polly is for her to know that you openly & gracefully got her messages . I can only imagine how delighted she is now to know you have shared this with others. God Bless you Marc. SO many feel so much Love & respect for you & I am just one of many .
    Blessings ,

  4. Mr. Klaas,
    I remember when Polly was murdered. I was going through a rough time of my own, but nothing like yours. When I read your post today, I had to write and thank you for being so strong after having gone through so much.

    On December 23 last year, my husband of almost 23 years died. It was so sudden I literally went from being a harried mom getting ready for Christmas to a widow in less than 45 minutes.

    I'm also a Parkinson's patient and have a host of other illnesses. Since 2005 I lost my grandfather, grandmother, my mother and my husband, not to mention several beloved pets, my health and the ability to earn a living to help my family now that my husband is gone. During this time there have been times I just wanted to give up.

    I'll be honest, this past year has seen me very nearly giving in. I've not really taken as good care of my home as I could have, I've found it hard to care about much and therefore haven't. Reading your words made me ashamed.

    Yes, I've lost much in less than a decade, but God has left me my children. And believe me, even when I'm at my lowest, I'm thanking him for that every day.

    Anyway, enough whining. I just wanted to thank you for your words and your strength. I'm going to try to keep your strength in my mind when I'm feeling less than strong. Thank you.

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