Life is Good!

With Polly & Ariel 1989

Last night when it was dark and I was listening to Billie Holiday sing the blues, I read my sister Elizabeth’s Facebook post, “19 years ago today I had to say goodbye to my angel, my soul mate. Polly, I think about you every day and I will love you forever! I know we will see each other again… someday.” Within a very few minutes I was seized in grief. Probably not the best time to listen to Billie Holiday.


I posted my feelings, in the moment, on Facebook, though I try to avoid becoming too personal with people I don’t really know. Then I reached out to my niece Ariel who was also online. I vented, I may have spoken inelegantly, but she listened and comforted me. Then I closed down my computer and continued to listen as the lady sang the blues.


Slowly, I regained my composure and wiped the tears from my cheeks. Eventually, Violet came downstairs and I told her what had happened. She held me in her arms as we sat quietly. Finally, we watched a little TV and went to bed.


This morning I opened Facebook and realized that thousands of people had responded to my post. There were expressions of support and sorrow that took my breath away. Ariel left a message that spoke to my heart as she had never done before. Somehow, my life suddenly felt validated.


I don’t know most of the people on Facebook who reached out to me, but their motivations were pure, good, and provided relief. My sister reminded me of the significance of a very difficult day and the importance of unconditional love, my niece was there to offer comfort during a difficult moment, and my wife held me when I felt isolated.


Life is good.


Marc Klaas

About Marc Klaas

I am President of the KlaasKids Foundation and BeyondMissing, Inc. Both organizations are 501(c)(3) public benefit non profit organizations.

5 thoughts on “Life is Good!”

  1. Hi Marc– my thoughts are with you. My son’s 1st birthday party was the day they found Polly and I will never forget how my heart sunk. You may not remember me but we ran into each other a couple of times–once on a United flight out of SF and once in the red carpet club in SF. I think of Polly often and thank you for turning your tragedy into a mission to protect others from suffering as you and your family have. Thank you and again, my thoughts are with you.

  2. I just saw this and cried! I want yu to know, Marc, that you are my hero for what you are doing for the kids! I pray for you because you love your girl so much and had her stolen from you! And you can’t help having unbearable pain. my nephew, Danny, was lost to us at age 16, and his chair is always empty at the table and I’d give anything to have a hug from him! But I know I will see him again and God gives me comfort and hope! Thank you for what you do for others! I’m sending a hug and blessing to you!

  3. Marc, thank you for sharing your heart with us. We, who also have murdered children, know the pain you feel. We thank you for taking a stand against these crimes by forming your Website: Klaas KIds. You are such an inspiration, enduring such pain and grief, yet leading the way for others going through the same horror. You are like a Lighthouse to us who are grieving. Keep up the good work, knowing it will be rewarded by our Creator when He meets you with Polly by His side. What a day of rejoicing that will be. Our hearts will forever be with you and Polly, Marc. God bless! <3 Barbara Christina, mother of Terri Lynn Winchell, age 17 when she got her angel wings!

  4. I’m so sorry, Marc. I know the hurt will never go away, but you have your memories. Keep on fighting the good fight to keep these animals behind bars. Polly must be looking down on you and I just know she thinks you’re the best dad ever.

  5. Polly Lives in the hearts of so many! Her story tragic! Her life important! End result her HERO Daddy!

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